Welcome to RI-CAN’s State of Public Education data tool, your one-stop shop for the facts on Rhode Island public schools.
This tool shows where our education system stands and how it’s changed over time. You’ll see the gains we’ve made—as well as continued areas of needed improvement in Rhode Island public education—and you’ll see how our state compares to others across New England and the nation.
The data are interactive and easy to use. To see comparisons across years, between schools and districts, or between Rhode Island and the U.S., just click through the tabs next to the graphs. We will add new data to this page as they are made available to the public, and we will also build on the existing historical data to give you an even more robust picture of the state of education in Rhode Island.
We invite you to explore and interact with RI-CAN’s State of Public Education data tool, and to use it both to celebrate our students’ progress and engage in the conversation about the work left to do for Rhode Island’s learners. Please share these data widely with friends and colleagues on social media and elsewhere.